Welcome to the 1V Network member page.
This is the members only are for the 1V Network. What is shared in the group, can only be seen by members of the group.
The aim of the group is to uncover new ways for organizations and leaders to meet the challenges of 21st century. Everything we share with each other is confidential and only accessable in this group.
Upcoming events!
The next 1V Network meeting is TBA.
Autumn meeting September 29, 2021
Host: Christian Sondrup Bøegh, Rambøll Management Consulting.
This meetings main theme was: “How do we organize an agile organization?”. The slides from the presentations are available for download.
Spring meeting May 19, 2021
Host: Martin Lyngsø Rea, Mjølner Informatics.
This meetings main theme was OKR & Performance Management. The slides from the presentations are available for download.
Autumn meeting October 29, 2020
Host: Carsten Ruseng Jakobsen, Grow Beyond.
The main theme of this meeting was leadership challenges. The slides from the presentation and the accompanying article are accessable here.
Take part in the lively discussion in our members only LinkedIn group here.